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I wish to offer my congratulations to Lisa Gable for earning this year’s NIEA* Award for best new book on Leadership.  Lisa is the Author of Turnaround: How to Change Course When Things are Going South.  In the book, the hands-on executive and Wall Street Journal bestselling author shares her methodology for “breathing new life into the most troubled ventures.”  Link to Gable’s Amazon page.

From my perspective as the author of my own work, Undaunted, I am immensely proud to have been selected as one of five FINALISTS for this prestigious award.  However, Gable’s work shined brightly above all the books considered for this recognition by the National Indie Excellence Awards. This annual commendation is given to independent authors who produce noteworthy, original manuscripts in select categories that are not produced by the “Big 5” publishers. The other four books which were each named as a FINALIST for this award in the category of Leadership are also worthy of investigation.


Lead Conversations that Count: How Busy Managers Run Great Meetings
By Carolyn Ellis

From Amazon: “Meetings!  Does your heart sink at the thought?  When did you last attend a great one?  Or are they wasted hours you’ll never get back?  Has meeting online only made things worse?  In a busy and complex world, every conversation needs to count.  We need constructive discussion, debate and decision-making processes, but technical expertise alone won’t help you manage a roomful of people who disagree.”


What’s Your “And”?: Unlock the Professional Within
By John Garrett

From Amazon:  “How sharing your personal passions improves work performance, builds culture, and strengthens relationships with colleagues and clients (and bosses, too).  Do you have expertise that’s not being utilized at work? Do you want to stand out from the competition?  Do you want to attract and retain top talent?”  Link to Garrett’s Amazon page.


Courageous Clarity: Navigating the Way Forward on Your Leadership Journey
By Phyllis Sarkaria

From Amazon: “As the essential guide for leaders who want to inspire, influence, and engage their teams for greater results, Courageous Clarity recognizes that the ability to build and nurture relationships is key to leadership success in today’s business environments. Organizations value results and leaders tend to be rewarded for delivering those results. Over time, this can leave the human side of leadership underdeveloped and begin to undermine the very results that have contributed to your leadership success.”  Link to Sarkaria’s Amazon page.


Undaunted: Leadership Amid Growth and Adversity
By Ed Zier

From Amazon: “Undaunted is a true story of bravery, despair, and fortitude. It intertwines an informative business narrative of how Baseline grew to be the envy of its industry and how its corporate culture influenced its employees’ reaction to the events of 9/11 and the weeks that followed.  Undaunted is about leadership and facing adversity.”  Link to Undaunted on Amazon.


Happy reading!


* NIEA Website here: